On the occasion of its 175th anniversary, on May 20 The Netherlands’ Royal Institute of Engineers (KIVI) organized a one day congress ‘Op weg naar een Waterstofland’.
In 16 high quality presentations virtually all aspects of a hydrogen energy supply system were addressed, form policies, hydrogen sources, production technologies, transport and distribution and end-users categories. For those who need background information on hydrogen technology, both in the broad sense and technological details, to shape their wind energy – hydrogen activities the presentations provide an encyclopedia of key information.
KIVI announced to publish all presentations on its website, possibly after some screening on confidential information. Six out of the 16 presentations have already been posted on the website.
These can be found as follows:
Visit www.kivi.nl.
Click on ‘Activiteiten’
Select ‘Activiteiten’
Click on the right side of the page on ‘Anders, namelijk’
Set filter as follows : ‘Periode vanaf 20 mei’, ‘Periode t/m 20 mei’
After selection click on ‘Lustrum congres: Op weg naar een Waterstofland’. At the right side you’ll find the available presentations under ‘Documenten’